15 Mar 2022

Gymshark Logo Redesign

Gymshark Logo redesign on lifting straps

Back by absolutely zero demand, I have redesigned something in the fitness industry. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I stepped up my interest in fitness and nutrition and went HARD on the Gymshark Black Friday sale. I love the Gymshark brand, it’s clean, it’s minimal, it’s classy. I’ve always looked at the logomark and thought to myself ‘why not make it a G’. So, that’s exactly what I’ve done.

Gymshark Logo construction
Gymshark Logo construction
Gymshark Logo construction
Gymshark Logo redesign on black gym top
Gymshark Logo redesign on black gym top
Gymshark Logo redesign on black gym top

You’ll hardly notice a difference, at first glance it just looks like the original logo has been flipped. As well as flipping the way the shark faces, I have simply redrawn the teeth to make it look more like a G.I’ve also redesigned the logo to make the shark look menacing, the current logo does this but it looks more pissed off than anything. My redesign gives the shark a smirk to help form the G, the kind of smirk you see every gym bro do after throwing dumbbells to the floor without re-racking them.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with the Gymshark brand, it’s a $1.3 billion business for a reason. I, for one, am a huge fan of the brand, their values and pretty much every single thing they do.But, I’ve always looked at the logo and thought ‘what if’. That and it’s Christmas, I live in a Tier 4 area so can’t go anywhere and I’ve got time on my hands.Let me know what you think.

Gymshark Logo redesign on black shirt